Generation Portfolios
Which portfolio is right for me?
A low-risk strategy with the aim of achieving some capital growth over the short to medium term of 5-8 years.
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A moderate risk strategy with the aim to deliver capital growth over a medium time horizon of 8-10 years.
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A moderate to high risk strategy with the aim of maximising total return over the longer term of 10+ years.
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Our portfolios are:
Low cost
The Generation range offers lower annual fees through its passive orientation and accommodates the more cost-conscious clients.
Automatically rebalanced with dividends reinvested.
We use investment platforms to trade and provide custody of your assets. Your portfolio is automatically rebalanced with your dividends reinvested, earning you more.
Integrated with Environmental, Social & Governance principles
All assets have gone through a rigorous selection process reviewing environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors at the early stages of fund selection.
Benchmark agnostic
We are unconstrained in our approach. We do not hug arbitrary benchmarks or allocate assets in pre-determined proportions based on outdated, rigid practises. Our portfolios are developed through a rules-based, global multi-asset approach.
How do I start investing?
Investing with Spring is easy through our fully digital, online application. We ask you a few questions to find out what type of investor you are and match you with a strategy that specifically meets your goals. No cumbersome paper forms and no need to post us anything. Interested in investing with us? Sign up here