Get the retirement you deserve
Personal Pensions
Clear, straight-forward personal pensions. We offer starter pensions from just £100 minimum investment in a Retirement Trust Scheme (RTS) for Jersey residents. If you are a resident of Guernsey please get in touch and we can assist you with a Retirement Annuity Trust Scheme (RATS).
Open, transfer or combine your pensions and see all your investments in one place.
Pension Transfers
For those wishing to transfer their existing pension or amalgamate a number of pensions into a Spring managed personal pension scheme. Looking to transfer your UK pension? Spring can help you with a *QROPS or QNUPS.
*Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme & Qualified Non-UK Pension Scheme.
International Pensions & ISPs
If you’re an ex-pat or UK resident looking to leave the UK, you may need to move your pension from your existing scheme. Transfer to a Spring managed, UK approved, Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) offering the full flexibility of a UK scheme. We also offer International Savings Plans on request.
Company Pensions
Flexible corporate workplace pensions providing investment portfolios for employee retirement saving. We offer 6 portfolios giving your employees the flexibility to chose. Members have access to our client portal to keep track of their pension and any accounts with us.
Get started with the Spring Starter Pension!
Those with the longest investment time horizon are in the best shape, thanks to the magic of compound interest.
It’s never too early, or too late to start planning for your retirement.
We think everyone should have the ability to invest and plan for their future. Why not get started with the Spring Starter Pension today.
Get started with as little as £100 minimum investment
Top up every month from as little as £50
Low annual pension administration fees of £45* per annum
*Pension administration fees are £45 p.a for 5 years or up to the value of £35,000. After either of which full pension administration fees apply. The starter pension is for Jersey residents only.
What are Personal Pensions?
A personal pension is a tax-efficient way of saving for your retirement. Personal pensions come under a variety of guises depending on your residency or personal circumstances. For Jersey residents, personal pensions are termed Retirement Trust Schemes (RTS) and in Guernsey; Retirement Annuity Retirement Trusts (RATs). A personal pension can also be held in a Self Invested Personal Pension known as a SIPP. For UK pensions transfers, these are eligible for transfer into SIPPs, or into a *QROPs or QNOPs depending on your circumstances.
*Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme & Qualified Non-UK Pension Scheme.
Getting tax relief on pensions means some of your money that would have gone to the government as tax goes into your pension instead!
Benefit from tax relief every year on your annual income
Take a tax free lump sum (age and amount depends on your tax residency)
The value of your pension will pass to your spouse or estate when you die
*The above information for Jersey is £50k p.a tax relief, 30% tax free lump sum at age 50 and ability to withdraw at age 50 or 55 if there are UK benefits.
Bring your pensions together.
Gain clarity on your future and see all your investments in one place.
Did you know that most people have had around 6 jobs by the time they're 45 and one in four savers forgets about a pension pot over their lifetime, containing an average of £9,500. By consolidating, you save yourself the hassle and worry (not to mention fees) of finding lost money should you lose track.
Bringing your pensions together can give you a clear view of how much is in your pot and keep you on track.
Already have a personal pension you wish Spring to manage while keeping your existing pension provider arrangement? Spring can help with this too. Simply get in touch.
Nurture your workforce with a Spring Company Pension
Pensions for every type of business.
We understand that your company is unique, as are your staff. At Spring, we offer a cost effective and flexible package to attract, incentivise and retain your valuable workforce.
Your employees will have access to a wide range of tools and investment portfolios, letting them keep a close eye on their workplace pension. In addition, most employees will get tax relief when they pay into a workplace pension.
Why not get in touch and talk to us about your requirements today.
Get started with Spring.
Open, transfer or combine your old pension
Simply fill out our fully digital online application form and we can get you started in just a few minutes.
Contribute through your client portal
You can opt for a one-off contribution or a regular savings plan through your dedicated client portal.
View your investments all in one place
From your dedicated client portal, view your performance, assets, transactions and any fees incurred.
How can I supercharge my Pension?
Start early – If you’re young, starting early not only gives you longer to save but your investments will also benefit more from compounding.
Start now – If you’re not young, just get started! Do not put off until tomorrow what can be done today
Make lump-sum payments – And gain the maximum potential of tax-relief and compounding!
Consolidate your pensions – By consolidating you save yourself the hassle and worry (not to mention fees) of finding lost money should you lose track
Check your fees – Regularly check your fees and compare them to the market. Spring clearly show you all your fees and investments in our handy client portal.
Personal Pensions in a nutshell
A personal pension is basically a long-term savings plan with tax relief. For Jersey residents you can currently gain tax relief on up to £50,000 per annum*
*Limits and restrictions may apply
What is a Retirement Trust Scheme?
Retirement trust schemes (RTS) are simply trust arrangements which act as administered personal pension schemes in Jersey. You're entitled to income tax relief on contributions paid into an RTS.
Why do I need a personal pension?
The simple fact is we are living longer. Life expectancies are expected to carry on improving over the next 50 years, by which time a 65 year old could live until they are 93. That’s 28 years your pension will need to last for.
What if I have a SIPP?
A SIPP is a self-invested personal pension. If you have opted for a SIPP over an RTS and would like Spring to provide your investment solution, we can help. Why not get in touch with our dedicated investment team today.
Why Spring?
Digital application
We offer a fully digital application process. No paper forms and no need to post us any documents. Sound good? Sign up here
Real-time reporting
Spring clients receive clear, transparent and daily reporting through their online portal. From here you can also top up your investment and access secure documents.
Tax efficient Investing
Spring have created investment solutions which are considerate to a broad range of tax jurisdictions. Portfolios exclude UK, US & French situs assets and comply with HMRC reporting.
Investment Platforms
We use an investment platform to trade and provide custody of your assets. From there we automatically rebalance your portfolio and reinvest your dividends back in, earning you more.
Competitive Pricing
We charge a maximum annual fee of 0.70% and are capped at 0.50% for any investment over £500k. No setup fees and no penalties for withdrawing your investment.
Clients can manage their account from mobile, tablet or computer via the client portal. Set up regular contributions, withdraw funds or open an additional account.